Who: For facilitators and journeyers alike. The quantity of participants accepted will be limited within our qualitatively capacity to hold the global journeys yearly. The Inner Intensive is for those intent on long-term learning and who also have the time for it. Please ensure you have both these when you ask us to consider your participation. What: A recursive intensive for those focused on studying the Philosophies and Theories surrounding the innerdance experience. How Long: Three times a year, the Inner Intensive will be held in three month cycles, organized across colors. Participants can enroll in as many cycles as they wish as the content will be shifting across each cycle, allowing them to master concepts in accordance to their levels of understanding throughout the whole year. |
The Inner Intensive is conducted in and from Maia Earth Village in Palawan, Philippines where there is ample space to expound upon the expansive elements in the innerdance practice.
For the last 17 years, the innerdance journey that first unfolded on these islands, holds firm in its tropical and pristine roots, where sacred simplicity abides. Welcome to our humble Home. |
In various places in the world, innerdance is a training modality for practitioners in the medical, psychiatric and therapeutic fields. Doctors, psychologists and healers in general will receive a comprehensive backdrop in how innerdance provides possible meeting points between the energy process and the medical scientific fields. |
In addiction clinics, prisons, companies and eco-community, innerdance is an ever-growing conversation on how rehabilitation and insight might emerge from collective journey spaces. Learning how the energy process might find application in places that crave for depth, flow and deep listening. |