From the depths of an oceanic realm of possibilities, different frequencies are selected and combined into one set, holding multiplicities and singularities all at once. Mirroring the different states of consciousness held within the innerdance process, the playlist then becomes a conversation between bodies that is itself translated through a sonic language that speaks in colors, images, emotions and other not so out of ordinary languages.
During the journeys, surrender becomes the highway through which electricity and magnetism converge and converse. The innerdance playlist can almost be seen as if a stage for the performances and the performances in themselves.
Here you will find a diverse range of explorations created by different facilitators and harvested from the years of study processes held:
Seven States
How to choose a playlist?
You can intuitively choose which experience to dive into or find the playlist assigned for the study process in the sessions above. Some playlists offer a simple description of what they represent for their creators, others, some words from the ones who have lied down to the playlist and were able to share some insights and words. Each playlist will bring about different journeys and effects. Also, the same playlist might take you into different journeys every time you choose to lie down to it. This is because the overlay of songs and sounds will always synchronize with your own brain states and offer different stimulus that dialog with what is at place. This resonance will offer you subjective journeys into the collective and from there your own interactions with spirit will take place. A wo-man is never the same wo-man! Just as much as a playlist is never the same and you can experience them as much as called for. If you wish to share your feedbacks in the WhatsApp group of your current study process, be most welcomed!
How to experience?
These playlists are an open source of sounds! You can choose to lie down by yourself or use them in any of your group journeys, whichever way the energy guides you!
If this is your first time to lie down to an innerdance process, here are some tips we have gathered over the years:
- find a comfortable and quiet space for your journey: some people like to lie down on a yoga mat, others are fine with the floor, on a mattress... whatever feels comfortable for your body... remember the playlists last from 1h to 1h30m! If your body eventually starts moving, you might need some space for it to flow, therefore, avoid being too close to furniture, very small rooms or dangerous places, like near a balcony or anything that might physically endanger you! You might also feel the need to scream or cry during the process, being in a space that offers such freedom might help you loads to go through the waves!
- choose a momentum in which you know you will have at least 1h and 30m to dedicate to you and the energy without external interruptions; turn off your cellphone or any other device that might bring you back to the 3D world in the middle of the session;
- have a fully charged speaker ready... while we are at it, we usually recommend speakers with good range for bass sounds, since the playlists are packed with different effects and overlays, this might help you get a full experience with all that is gifted!
- take your bathroom break before the experience so it is not interrupted and you do not experience discomfort during the journey. We also suggest lying down at times where your body is not so busy digesting big meals, so it does not get overwhelmed with movements and you also get to be comfortably feeling the waves of the process;
- hit play and enjoy! In the first moments, try focusing on your breath and heartbeat, this will help you find the doorways to your bodymind and get to the layers you are meant to see. We always recommend observing whatever state you are at with an open heart: current of thoughts, distraction, dissatisfaction, discomfort, sleep... these are all part of the process and as much as a message as any other thing you might experience. Keep trusting!
- after the session, take your time to integrate things in and out. Having a notebook to draw and write or practicing mindful activities will help you see the deep layers of what you had just witnesses from source. Some parts of the process take more time to be fully embodied... days, weeks, years might go by until the conditions for them are set and they come into full circle. Keep journaling dreams and finding yourself some time, space and practices that resonate with however ways spirit tells you. You are a channel for the infinite flow of consciousness!
If you have any other questions, feel welcome to share them with us so we all find that middle space of insight. If you are a playlister and want to add to our wikisound, just send us a link and a description of your creation so it is posted right away.