Strong surges of electricity passing through the body – the metaphysical event is so mysterious, however often this miracle is perceived, no logic or intuition satisfies the How, Why or What. What are the correlations between the innerdance and the strong seizures that happen in people’s bodies? Here we use the radical metaphor of epilepsy to trace what the electricity surges mean, their long-term effects, our historical understanding of this age-old phenomenon. The following is a video from a workshop in Malaysia that demonstrates how epileptic stages are somehow induced in the body in the innerdance processes. |
Located in between, the corpus callosum is the “bridge” between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, consisting of about 200 to 250 million axons that connect both sides.
In the innerdances, streams of electricity flow freely through both brains while participants become willing epileptics, blissing out in a momentary loss of identity and speech, particularly achievable by right-brained dominant minds whose only assurance is that they have such a brain is their depression-laden history. Jenny from New York writes: “my body is still shaking, trembling, seeking for another earthquake. And my eyes have been welling up in appropriate and inappropriate times and places. There will be more cathartic moments, I know. There are still so much to be danced out. But I am willing. I surrender everything to a whole new becoming.” |
Prior to epilepsy, an aura serves as a prodrome, an early sign or symptom that electricity is about to flash through different areas of the brain, which also takes place in those with migraine disorders. To the viewer, the visual field is distorted, similar to how some people describe what happens in their innerdance process. |